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vol.1 número1Psicoterapia v/s farmacoterapia I: Aproximación inicial a las fronteras disciplinarias e ideológicas frente a una praxis compartida.Cambios funcionales del cerebro y psicología índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cuadernos de neuropsicología

versão On-line ISSN 0718-4123


BARTOLOTTI LAURENS, Elsa. El síndrome de déficit atencional del escolar como expresión clínica de los trastornos del sueño de tipo comicial. Cuad. neuropsicol. [online]. 2007, vol.1, n.1, pp.18-29. ISSN 0718-4123.

The present review attempts to be an initial aproach to the clinical research that has took place in the last 12 years. This research points to the following fact: the ADHD, among many other symptoms like: behavior disorders, disadapation to regular scholarity; present in a large amount of children, belongs to an unique ethiology that could be classified as a certain type of comiciality that occurs during the sleeping. This is refrended by laboratory examination with a digital EEG. This EEG, shows the presence of Theta complex type slow waves , that appears in partial or generalized patterns, like paroxismes, aparently without seizures. In this way, this report pretends to become a contribution to the pharmacological treatment of these syndroms.

Palavras-chave : Slepping comiciality; Atention deficit syndom; Attention deficit with hiperactivity syndrom digital electroencephalography pharmacolofical treatment; Metilphenidato; Carbamazepine; Valproic acid; Topiramato.

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