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versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394


HECKERT, Ana Lucia Coelho  e  BARROS, Maria Elizabeth Barros de. School failure: what is it about? Psychology and education: ‘possible’ debates. Aletheia [online]. 2007, n.25, pp.109-122. ISSN 1413-0394.

The article aims to analyze how Psychology has been seeing the challenges raised by school performance. It discusses the principles and tools that has been guiding Psychology practices in the field of school failure. It debates the interface between Psychology and Education, based on the principles of transdisciplinarity and inseparability of Psychology and Politics. It brings into discussion the psychological practices in the field of Education that have been hegemonically based on naturalized and established forms. This article does not consider the production of school failure as an inexorable fate but as being produced based on a way of existence that defines, distributes and establishes competent and incompetent practices at school. It aims to state school as a factory of knowledge and new subjective forms.

Palavras-chave : Psychology and education; School failure; Subjectivity.

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