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vol.10 número1Avaliação do bem-estar de um bugio (Alouatta caraya) cativo durante enriquecimento social e ambiental: indicadores comportamentais índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Etologia

versão impressa ISSN 1517-2805


FERREIRA, Rodrigo Lopes; CASTRO SILVA, Wendell de; VIEIRA, Vanessa Cristina  e  SOUZA SILVA, Marconi. Aspects of the behavior and reproduction of Mastigoproctus brasilianus Koch, 1843, (Arachnida:Uropygi:Telyphonidae). Rev. etol. [online]. 2011, vol.10, n.1, pp.3-11. ISSN 1517-2805.

The order Uropygi includes south tropical predator arachnids with large raptorial pedipalps, a long and multi-segmented pos-pygidium, and long flagellum. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the behavior repertoire of Mastigoproctus brasilianus (Koch 1843) in laboratory conditions, as well as describing the different forms of behavior involved in the mating ritual of this species. A total of 25 behavioral acts were witnessed, that were clustered in 9 categories which included: to remain sheltered; to remain immobile; to move appendices without displacement; extensioning the legs; to clean itself; to move (forward or backward); to dig; to feed and "other forms of behavior". The categories of behaviors varied between sexes and between periods of activity. Males differed from all the others and the females presented a similar pattern when compared to the immature forms. The reproductive behavior presented by M. brasilianus follows the standards described for other species

Palavras-chave : Brazil; Uropygi; Neotropics; Ethology.

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