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vol.9 número2Assédio moral: uma guerra invisível no contexto empresarialHá dignidade no trabalho com o lixo?: considerações sobre o olhar do trabalhador índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148versão On-line ISSN 2175-3644


RODRIGUES, Alexandra Arnold  e  CANIATO, Angela Maria Pires. "Corpo-mercadoria", sob controle e punição: prenúncios de uma subjetividade aniquilada?. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2009, vol.9, n.2, pp.647-687. ISSN 1518-6148.

Foregrounded on the historical and dialectic aspect of the human being, the degenerative process of being-a-person throughout history is pinpointed through a recovery of concepts and values which endowed the body in different societies and in different historical periods. Current research aims at understanding the contemporary highly valued and, paradoxically, terribly violated, body. Methodology comprises bibliographical research and principles taken from the Frankfurt School's Critical Theory, coupled to Psychoanalytic Theory. Important conclusions may be reached, or rather, the identification of an important historical consequence: the loss of the concept of the body integrated to the mind, a denial of human totality, which allows a vicious use of the body for the maintenance of current social and economical system. The ideological basis has been identified which gives support to an idea of health by which "seeming well" determines "being well". Pain is valued and naturalized so that the desired image may be achieved. Since the concept of pain acquires new forms, body changes are a symptom of a culture that, instead of helping individuals, seems to involve them within a feeling of culpability and self-punishment. However, the violent situation which people currently experience will not determine the transforming role of culture in which they live. Current paper is part of the monograph "Violated body: vicious injunctions of culture", funded by PIBIC-CNPq/UEM, and linked to the research-intervention program "Phenix: the challenge of the individual-subject's rebirth" (Phase II) of the Department of Psychology of the State University of Maringá.

Palavras-chave : Psychoanalysis; cultural industry; body; pain; damaged subjectivity.

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