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IGT na Rede

versão On-line ISSN 1807-2526


SILVEIRA, Karina Masci. Blindness: A Gestalt rereading of the work of Saramago. IGT rede [online]. 2013, vol.10, n.18, pp.81-103. ISSN 1807-2526.

This work was based on a (re) reading of literary Blindness by Jose Saramago (2008) based on gestalt therapy. The literary work tells the story of an epidemic of blindness and the difficulties and growth achieved by the blind after the loss of vision. I understand blindness as a metaphor for mental illness and recovery of sight as a metaphor for healing. The literary work was used as an example of the illness of modern man and the healing process was used as a symbolization of Gestalt psychotherapy process. Therefore, we established an interlock between the literary and the theoretical foundations of Gestalt therapy.

Palavras-chave : awareness; contact; healing; figure-ground; Gestalt therapy; neurosis.

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