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Boletim de Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 0006-5943


ZAMBOM, Luis Fernando; SILVA, Jaqueline Garcia da; ANDRETTA, Ilana  e  OLIVEIRA, Margareth da Silva. Motivation to change in adolescents marijuana users: a longitudinal study. Bol. psicol [online]. 2011, vol.61, n.135, pp.193-206. ISSN 0006-5943.

Marijuana is the drug most used by teenagers in the world, which constitutes a serious public health problem. Objectives: To assess changes in marijuana use and the stages of adolescent motivation after participation in a program of motivational intervention. Quantitative study with longitudinal sample of 102 adolescents. The assessment was conducted at two different times - before and after. Instruments: Sheet socio-demographic data, semi-structured clinical interview, URICA (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment) to measure motivational stages and BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory) and BDI (Beck Depression Inventory). In comparing the ratings 50% of teenagers do not use marijuana today. In the analysis of assessments and groups (joined and not joined) we could observe significant differences in stages of Contemplation, Action and Maintenance. These data indicate major changes in the motivational stages emphasizing the importance of service programs and the impact on long-term change in the behavior of adolescent marijuana users.

Palavras-chave : Adolescents; motivation to change; motivational interviewing; marijuana.

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