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versão impressa ISSN 0103-0825


BARRIEU, Maria Carolina  e  PARISI, Silvana. The end of the analysis. Junguiana [online]. 2017, vol.35, n.1, pp.41-48. ISSN 0103-0825.

This article analyses the end of the analytical process, which does not mean healing neither release nor individuation. The latter may go on even after sessions stop. Sudden analytical process endings which may result in a sense of helplessness and failure are also examined here, as well as the interference of the therapist's shadow components. Some clinical cases illustrate such situations. The child archetype and the endless analysis are also dealt with in this article as well as the alchemical separatio operation. The images of the doctor and of the nurse are used as an analogy of the role of the therapist, both as a healer and as a caretaker. Last, the article considers the mystery that involves the process of life and death and pain and sorrow that affects analysts - whose own individuation process is challenged and who needs to learn about humbleness in order to cope with the unknown.

Palavras-chave : Jungian analysis; the end of analysis; failure; individuation; shadow.

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