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vol.23 número2Representações maternas de mães adultas: relato clínico a partir da Entrevista RIndicadores da preocupação materna primária na gestação de mães que tiveram parto pré-termo índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia Clínica

versão impressa ISSN 0103-5665versão On-line ISSN 1980-5438


DELL'AGLIO, Débora Dalbosco; MOURA, Andreína  e  SANTOS, Samara Silva dos. Treatment of mothers of sexual abuse victims and abusers: theoretical and practical considerations. Psicol. clin. [online]. 2011, vol.23, n.2, pp.53-73. ISSN 0103-5665.

The aim of this article was to gather information about the psychological care provided to mothers of children and adolescent victims of sexual abuse and the perpetrators of such violence. The literature demonstrates the importance of including non abusive relatives in the treatment of victims, due to their involvement with the situation. Discussing psychological support to the perpetrators is also necessary to intervene in the cycle of violence, preventing new victims. The paper focuses on the feelings of mothers and perpetrators at the moment of the abuse disclosure, the goals of the provided care in each case, and related psychological aspects. It also presents some national and international studies that report the experiences of these processes. Some practical barriers in the progress of the psychological care, as well as the difficulties of conducting studies on this topic, especially in Brazil, are reported.

Palavras-chave : child sexual abuse; violence; psychosocial treatment.

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