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vol.50 número93Transformação das formas simbólicas em sonhos"Me alugo para sonhar": algumas ideias sobre sonhos e sonhar em psicanálise índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Jornal de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0103-5835


CASSORLA, Roosevelt. The analytic field as a field of dreaming: the over there, the there, the here, and the farther place as vertexes of participant observation. J. psicanal. [online]. 2017, vol.50, n.93, pp.53-65. ISSN 0103-5835.

The author suggests that the analytical field be considered a field of dreams. He studies its factors that transform emotional experiences into dreams. This transformation either expands the symbolic net of thinking or it prevents this from happening. The analyst, as the participant observer of the field, can approach it from different angles. The reported dreams which correspond to situations of external reality - that is, situations that happen over there - may also be regarded as happening in the inner world - that is, there. When they happen in the psychoanalytic field - that is, here, the approach of the same dreams reveals dreams-for-two. Hypothetical constructions on how dreams and non-dreams happened in the patient's initial development indicate the work in the further place. The analyst oscillates between these several vertexes. This oscillation is intuited based on the symbolizing capacity of the patient. The author concludes his paper with a detailed examination of the contributing factors in the development of the analyst's capacity for reverie.

Palavras-chave : dreams; analytic field; analytic technique; symbolization; reverie.

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