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vol.27 número82Alunos com dificuldades na escrita: produção de sentidos subjetivos na oficina de palavrasMediação escolar e inclusão: revisão, dicas e reflexões índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


CAZELLA, Sarah  e  MOLINA, Rinaldo. The institutional psychopedagogic intervention in the reflexive formation of social educators. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2010, vol.27, n.82, pp.78-91. ISSN 0103-8486.

OBJECTIVE: Our goal is to present the results of an intervention process that aimed to promote the construction of autonomy, by means of reflexive practice, the social educator. METHODS: For the theoretical development was carried out dialogue between the authors of the pedagogy of reflexive practice and popular education. The participants of this case study were 11 educators of the Association of Education and Social Welfare on the outskirts of São Paulo. The process lasted one year, a total of 18 meetings distributed among the following activities: 1) participant observation in meetings with the coordination of the project and with the group of educators, 2) the construction of a panel of complaints to understand what problems they experienced educators, 3) before complaints were made drawings from the projective technique "par educativo" in revealing their conceptions of teaching and learning, to understand what each one had to act responsibly in their teaching, 4) activities were aimed at understanding the action models for teaching used by teachers; 5) from theoretical readings were discussed issues relevant to the issues identified in the moments before and, finally, 6) was a dynamic proposal to build a conceptual map for reflection on the experienced and the daily practice of educators. RESULTS: The teachers have produced a new work proposal on the basis of disciplinary proceedings, it had as the cultural reality and the production of a work aimed at rescuing the history of students, residents of the periphery, course participants, and build with them idea of citizenship for a more just and humane.

Palavras-chave : Education; Psychology, social; Learning.

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