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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


FRANCO, Renata Maria da Silva  e  GOMES, Claudia. Inclusive education beyond the special education: A partial review of national productions. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2020, vol.37, n.113, pp.194-207. ISSN 0103-8486.

INTRODUCTION: Given the importance of inclusive educational debates beyond the target audience of special education, this article aims to analyze the indicators of discussion of inclusive educational proposals in the perspective of the democratization of school opportunities for students with special educational needs, unattached to deficienciesMETHODS: Based on a "state of the art" methodology, thirty-three articles were found, of which only nine focus on the relation of inclusive education to the perspective of democratization of school opportunities. Based on thematic and interpretative analyzes, it was possible to structure four discussion indicators: political and legislative linkages and propositions; new paradigms and new educational conceptions with a focus on professional performance; lack of training and teacher training for inclusive education; failure and school dropoutRESULTS: The analysis of the defined indicators show that the Enactment of public policies specifically aimed at the target audience of Special Education, greatly favored progress towards guaranteeing access for students with disabilities in regular education. On the other hand, it deprived the debate of initial and continuing training policies regarding the democratic postulates of opportunities for students with special educational needs, not linked to deficiencies, in the different school contexts, in addition to the differentiations or specificitiesCONCLUSION: An important parameter for monitoring the progress of inclusive propositions aligned with the understanding assumed in this study, which includes the democratization of the conditions of permanence in the school to all students, is the approximation of the political, social and pedagogical debates defended by the different documents and promulgations related to the school reality, from relational formats, which aim at the constitution of educational and school actions that promote development to the students

Palavras-chave : Democratization of Opportunities; Inclusive Education; Special Educational Needs.

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