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vol.38 número117  suppl.1Ação psicopedagógica em período de pandemiaO desafio de sustentar a investigação no ensino remoto índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


MESQUITA, Jojemima. The psychopedagogical intervention in a virtual environment: An experience under construction. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2021, vol.38, n.117, suppl.1, pp.69-76. ISSN 0103-8486.

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced changes and innovations to psychopedagogical intervention in schools. In-person activities were suspended and replaced with at-home alternative learning options. Therefore, psychopedagogical intervention embraces a new setting through virtual meeting platforms. Following this context, and due to concerns, doubts, and uncertainties, virtual assistance reveals itself as an alternative method for psychopedagogical practice. In the context of knowledge construction, the aim of this study is to introduce an experience of psychopedagogical intervention in a virtual environment. With respect to the epistemological basis of Psychopedagogy, questioning is categorized as a tension spring that boosts the actions of thinking and reflecting under present days circumstances. Consequently, in order to make ourselves coherent, it is imperative to reflect on who we are and what we must do in response to this new constructive knowledge. Throughout this experience, we emphasize listening, autonomy, and authorship of reasoning as fundamental elements to the learning process for psychopedagogical professionals, families, and learners, who are adjusting to unanticipated conditions. A narrative dialogue founded on psychopedagogical knowledge recognizes and demonstrates Psychopedagogy and its functional capabilities during the pandemic. In conclusion, this text presents results and discoveries that lead us to new questionings, highlighting Psychopedagogy as an area that helps facilitate the learner's limitations through a sensitive and thoughtful perspective; thus, encompassing the learning process in any life circumstances.

Palavras-chave : Psychopedagogy; Learning; Innovation; Virtual Environment; Experience.

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