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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282versão On-line ISSN 2175-3598


SANTOS NETO, Edson Theodoro dos; BARBOSA, Rodrigo Walter; OLIVEIRA, Adauto Emmerich  e  ZANDONADE, Eliana. Factors associated with onset of mouth breathing in early child development. Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. [online]. 2009, vol.19, n.2, pp.237-248. ISSN 0104-1282.

PURPOSE: there are several problems related to mouth breathing and there is many consequences in the human health. In this context, this prospective cohort study aims to determine the risk factors associated to the development of mouth breathing in the first periods of children's development. METHODS: The initial group was constituted of 86 babies aging from zero to three months old, selected in the encircled areas of Vitória district, state of Espírito Santo. Seven domiciliary visits were made, collecting data about oral breathing, mixed, labial closing, inter visits respiration alterations, nasal breathing stimulation, common snore when sleeping, the use of baby's milk bottle, pacifier suction, finger suction and breastfeeding. From the initial group, 67 children were assisted until the average age of 29,42 months old (±2,49dp). RESULTS: The prevalence of mouth breathing was of 3,0%. Breastfeeding (ORadj=0,27:0,09-0,83) and the nasal breathing stimulation (ORadj=0,09:0,01-0,52) worked as protection factors against labial closing, while the inter visit breathing alteration (ORadj=7,61:1,09-53,01), pacifier suction (ORadj=5,54:2,00- 15,37) and snoring (ORadj=10,74:2,32-49,64) worked as risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: The genesis of the oral breathing initiates by the loss of lip closing, as consequence of the interaction of positive and negative factors about the neurological, bone and muscular complex.

Palavras-chave : oral breathing; deleterious habits; lip closing; breastfeeding.

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