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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282


LUCION, Marta Knijnik  e  ESCOSTEGUY, Norma. Mother-caregivers twins relationship in the first year after birth. Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. [online]. 2011, vol.21, n.2, pp.307-318. ISSN 0104-1282.

The early relationships, especially from zero to 3 years old, are crucial for the development and structuring of the personality. The present project aims to analyze the relationship between twins and their caregivers and twins between themselves, and identify factors that could influence the development of the twins during the first year of life. Four pregnant women were followed since the birth of the twins until they have completed one year. Five video recordings of the caregivers with the babies, with about forty minutes each, were obtained with an interval of three months from each other, starting on the day of birth of the twins. The recordings were analyzed by the authors and qualitative variables, such as the quality and the peculiarities of the bond and the development of twins, were evaluated. The project pointed that the quality of the parental bonding influences twin development, showing that they need to be affectively nurtured by adults caregivers. Few interactions between the twins were observed during the period studied, reinforcing the importance of the relationship with the caregivers.

Palavras-chave : twins; mother-twins relationship; early development; bond; interaction.

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