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vol.22 número2Poluentes ambientais e chance de internações por asma em crianças - São José dos Campos, Brasil, nos anos 2004-2005Fatores psicossociais de risco e proteção à desnutrição infantil em mães de crianças desnutridas e eutróficas: o papel da saúde mental materna índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282


BRITO, Gilberto N. O.. Academic performance of Brazilian middle school children as assessed by an adaptation of the wide range achievement test (WRAT 3). Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. [online]. 2012, vol.22, n.2, pp.209-216. ISSN 0104-1282.

OBJECTIVE: to assess the academic performance of Brazilian children by an adaptation of the Blue and Tan forms of the WRAT3 (Brazil - WRAT 3). METHODS: the performance of 722 children (281 boys and 441 girls with mean age of 13.5 years, SD = 1.4) was evaluated. The data were subjected to multivariate statistical analysis to determine the relationships between performance on Spelling, Arithmetic and Reading and demographic characteristics of the children, history of grade failure, handedness, and auditory and visual dysfunction. RESULTS: the form (Blue vs Tan) of the test had a significant effect on performance and so the data were analyzed separately for each form of the Brazil-WRAT3. It was found that sex, ethnic group, paternal and maternal occupation and history of the grade failure were significantly related to performance on Spelling, Arithmetic and Reading of both forms. Furthermore, age and handedness had significant effects on the overall performance of the subtests of the Blue form and children with auditory or visual dysfunction performed the subtests of the Tan form worse than normal children. CONCLUSION: it is possible that the profile of the academic performance of Brazilian public school children shown in this study is associated with more fundamental aspects of language skills and research along this direction is currently underway.

Palavras-chave : achievement; cognition; child development.

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