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vol.26 número1Indicadores comunicativos, motores e cognitivos do desenvolvimento de crianças deficientes auditivasExcesso de peso e baixa estatura em crianças de comunidades urbana, rural e indígena índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282versão On-line ISSN 2175-3598


ALMEIDA, Patrícia Casagrande Dias de et al. Lipid profile in schoolchildren in Vitória - Brazil. J. Hum. Growth Dev. [online]. 2016, vol.26, n.1, pp.61-66. ISSN 0104-1282.

INTRODUCTION: The growing prevalence of obesity is currently considered the most important nutritional disorder. It is characterized, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) as a worldwide epidemic in developing and developed countries. In an associated form, there is an increasing prevalence of dyslipidaemia. Aiming to improve the current situation and prevent the progression of the epidemic, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently reinforced the need for cholesterol screening in overweight children older than two years. OBJECTIVE: To determine overweight and lipid profile in children aged between six and nine years. METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study with children from Vitoria, ES. For nutritional classification the Z-score > + 1 SD body mass index-for-age (according to WHO / 2007) was used; for the lipid profile the Atherosclerosis Prevention Guidelines in Childhood were used. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, waist circumference and triceps skinfold thickness) followed the standard techniques described by WHO. Data were organized and analysed using SPSS, version 8.5 and calculated the absolute, relative and mean (SD) frequencies and the association between overweight, lipid profile and other variables is adopted as significant when p < 0.05. RESULTS: The sample comprised a total of 511 children of both sexes (46.7% male), with a mean age of 101.6 ± 11.1 months. Overweight was found in 197 (38.5%) children: overweight in 71 (13.9%) and obesity in 126 (24.6%). Total cholesterol was elevated in 167 (32.7%) as were high LDL-C (136-27%). High triglycerides were found in 21 participants (4.1%). Significant association was found between waist circumference and high levels of triglycerides (p = 0.019) and HDL-C (p = 0.033). CONCLUSION: Excess weight of the sample investigated is considered high and its health effects are important, with an increased total cholesterol greater than 32%. The high levels of HDL-C are protective factors for coronary heart disease, although the lipid profile had been changed.

Palavras-chave : dyslipidaemias; child; paediatric obesity.

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