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vol.10 número1Una aproximación a los procesos de subjetivación de las trabajadoras del hogar y el cuidado sindicalizadasLas cosas que se llevan en la mochila: El poder en comunidades de okupación rural españolas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Summa psicológica UST (En línea)

versão On-line ISSN 0718-0446


OSORIO-CABRERA, Daniela. From the sexual division of labor to the redefinition of care practices: an experience of Solidarity Economy in Catalonia. Summa psicol. UST (En línea) [online]. 2013, vol.10, n.1, pp.37-47. ISSN 0718-0446.

This article emerges from a research conducted in a cooperative of Solidarity Economy network in Catalonia, in which we analyze the changes and repetitions in the construction of meanings of gender roles associated with the sexual division of labor, emphasizing aspects of care practices. We perform a series of interviews with qualified informants of the group, emphasizing their working careers. The results highlight the flexibilization of gender roles through diversification in the cooperative tasks; this does not limit the dynamic reiteration of traditional gender attributions regarding reproductive tasks, something not considered or assumed by the group. However, the cooperative is seen as a space that serves to multiply care experiences that promote the circulation of affect as a feature that is installed and which qualifies relationships, facilitating the redefinition of gender attributions in deployment of tasks.

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