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vol.14 número20Escala de adherencia terapéutica para pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, basada en comportamientos explícitos“Cuídame, soy propenso” índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Alternativas en Psicología

versão impressa ISSN 1405-339X


CORTES VAZQUEZ, Enrique B.; RAMIREZ GUERRERO, E. M. Marisela; OLVERA MENDEZ, Juana  e  ARRIAGA ABAD, Yasmín de Jesús. El comportamiento de salud desde la salud: la salud como un proceso. Altern. psicol. [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.20, pp.78-88. ISSN 1405-339X.

The healthful behavior must be defined as a specific behavior of health from the health, this it is acquired and it is learned. The health as process implies identification, attention, acquisition, practice, maintenance, and development. Its objective it must be the Biopsicosocial, and health is pronounced in the short term, health in medium term and health in the long term. This must face like a process and not like an state or absolute. Its exercise requires of individual responsibility. To learn to identify the variables of which the healthful state is function, the factors of health security and well-being of daily way, practices constant, definition of the areas like continued constant objectives of life: Immediate, to medium and in the long term. Defining the factors of health by its qualities, not why they are not or by its opposite. Methods, strategies and discipline prevail establishing it like habit: The behavior of the health must focus like process of a set of different factors, moments, contexts and situations. To talk about to the specific healthful behaviors envelope that if to make and not it opposite. To consider that a process is a sequence of behaviors that are specialized. Finally to consider it and to maintain it like a life style.

Palavras-chave : Health; Health from the health; Disease; Process health disease; Process of health.

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