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versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394


VALORE, Luciana Albanese  e  GUIRADO, Marlene. Be someone in life: an institutional analysis of students'discourse of the Paraná coast. Aletheia [online]. 2011, n.35-36, pp.79-94. ISSN 1413-0394.

Given the Institutional Discourse Analysis as reference, this study investigates the attributed meanings of "to be somebody" in the discourse of high school students in a public institution at the coast of Parana. Interviews were conducted, which analysis sought to outline the modes of production of subjectivity, paying attention to the manner in which the speeches were organized and the relationships established with other discourses. It was evident the configuration of "being someone in life" enunciated as transposition/legitimation of families and teachers expectations, in a self-made saying as opposed to those "who want nothing to do with anything" (place usually assigned to many young people from the coast). At the same time, we could identify some resistance on the order of speeches set: by taking a personal position in their will and by relativizing places and practices, some students did not fail to signal the desire to be listened to what their voices have to say.

Palavras-chave : Life project; Discourse; Subjectivity.

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