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vol.34 número35ENTRELINHAS DO CRIARA MULHER E O FEMININO NA PSICOLOGIA ANALÍTICA: UMA REVISÃO DE ESCOPO índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Construção psicopedagógica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-6954versão On-line ISSN 2175-3474


FUGIKAWA, Mariana Harumi S.. MYTHOLOGY AND ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY IN MOWGLI THE BOY WOLF: THE METAPHORICAL RESONANCE IN CHILDHOOD. Constr. psicopedag. [online]. 2024, vol.34, n.35, pp.20-31.  Epub 24-Jun-2024. ISSN 1415-6954.

This article aims to analyze the story told by the images and plot of the animated film The Jungle Book. The filmic images are looked at here from the perspective of Analytical Psychology and mythology, a stitch that has the mission of supporting us in reading the main characters in Mowgli’s story and his narrative. Produced in 1967, based on Kipling’s book, The Jungle Book, its plot is based on the story of a boy created by nature. The general objective is to understand how children’s films construct, based on visual verbal language, the metonymy of childhood development in a mythical sphere and, specifically, to identify the relationship between characters and their symbols, the resonant metaphor. The methodology aims to penetrate the layers of meaning of the symbols, inscribed in the images, to allow the analysis of content and its mythological connection. For Jung (1964), the symbols that are fixed, that last over time, are the ones that make sense to us, are the relevant ones, the ones that lead us to think that the media of adhesion and fixation in time must be analyzed and their symbols placed in perspective. reflection, and which are fixed by encountering mythological contents in the psyche.

Palavras-chave : Analytical Psychology; Childhood; Symbols; Images; Metaphor.

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