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vol.4 número6A infância na cidade de Gepeto ou possibilidades do neopragmatismo para pensarmos os direitos da criança na cultura pós-modernaA pastoral educativa índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estilos da Clinica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-7128


GHEROVICI, Patricia. Infancy is not a child's game. Estilos clin. [online]. 1999, vol.4, n.6, pp.18-27. ISSN 1415-7128.

"In the beginning was the Word" goes the Gospel, a beginning that precedes the temporary arrival of the infant to the world. Etymologically, infans refers to someone who does not speak. Is an infant a human before becoming human? If infancy is the stage where language is already present before speech develops, it appears interesting to explore the phenomenon of autism in which speech is absent or at least deficient. Autism is also a manifestation that seems to defy this primacy of language.

Palavras-chave : Infancy; autism; talk acquisition.

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