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vol.10 número10Relação mãe-bebê logo após o parto e na amamentação: a identificação projetiva realista, pelos sentimentos e sensações do observadorO brincar da criança de cinco anos na escola índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologo informacao

versão impressa ISSN 1415-8809


TOROSSIAN, Miriam Sansoni  e  CAPELARI, Angélica. Analysis of the criminal recidivation through the behavioral approach . Psicol inf. [online]. 2006, vol.10, n.10, pp.102-108. ISSN 1415-8809.

The present article intends to discuss the violence issue, especially the criminal recidivation phenomena based on the Radical Behaviorist Theory. From this discussion, two hypotheses were raised to explain the recidivation: the absence of punishing agents, or the imposed social privation. Both factors seem to contribute to relapsing into crime, since the actual prison system does not foresee the teaching of responses that seek the reinsertion of an individual into society after the accomplishment of the sentenced time. Such system aims only to temporarily exclude that individual from society, leaving him/her at the mercy of this same society when released.

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