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vol.22 número2Vivência da gestação e parto de alto risco: uma reflexão a partir do referencial psicanalíticoGrupo de mães em UTI neonatal: um espaço de escuta e intervenção precoce em psicanálise índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista da SBPH

versão impressa ISSN 1516-0858


PORTO, Mariana Alves  e  PINTO, Maria Jaqueline Coelho. High-risk pregnant women in qualified hospital discharge: personality, lifestyle and experiences. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2019, vol.22, n.2, pp.25-47. ISSN 1516-0858.

Objective: verify lifestyle and cognitive personality profile of high-risk pregnant women hospitalized and included in qualified discharge program of a teaching hospital obstetric ward in São Paulo and characterize sociodemographic profile and understand perceptions and meanings attributed by high-risk pregnant women to their experiences in prenatal care. Method: Data was collected using questionnaires: sociodemographic, "Fantastic" Lifestyle, Personal Beliefs (PBQ - SF) and comprehensive interview. Quantitative data was submitted to descriptive analysis, while qualitative data was analyzed through phenomenological approach. Results: 13 in hospital high-risk pregnant women (mean age of 24 years. Standard deviation 5.1) have been enrolled. Most are in stable union with partners, have high school, religious belief and report being house wives. Multiparity has been present in 61% (N = 8) and 61.5% (N = 8) had no history of previous abortion. Most of them have shown a good lifestyle, and the following personality profiles have been found: schizoid, avoidant and dependent. As for the experiences, five categories emerged: Fear; Worry; Faith as a Coping Resource; Importance of Social Support; and Professional-Patient Relationship. Conclusion: data have shown to be relevant since understanding the assisted population’s needs and demands provides improved care practices and better therapeutic plan more suitable to the patients' needs.

Palavras-chave : pregnancy; high risk pregnancy; patient discharge; lifestyle; personality.

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