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vol.22 número1Saúde do trabalhador e economia solidária: um estudo do cotidiano em empreendimentos econômicos solidáriosAs vivências do desemprego entre trabalhadores no interior do Rio Grande do Norte índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho

versão impressa ISSN 1516-3717


TAVARES, Daniela Sanches  e  LIMA, Cristiane Queiroz Barbeiro. Violences against sick workers and management tools: a relationship to explore. Cad. psicol. soc. trab. [online]. 2019, vol.22, n.1, pp.81-97. ISSN 1516-3717.

This study was carried out by Fundacentro at the request of a metalworkers' union, aiming to characterize and analyze the situations of violence experienced by workers who had work-related injuries or illnesses, in an automobile assembly plant. Interviews with trade unionists, a visit to the automaker, individual and collective interviews with workers and validation of the data were carried out. It was based on the Gaulejac's management concept and the Soboll's violence at work concept. The exclusion and isolation of sick workers, humiliation, denial and de-characterization of work-related illnesses were confirmed, delegitimizing and placing the workers under suspicion. Management tools and elements of organizational culture were used in these violent practices, characterizing a systemic way of acting, which contributes to these diseases becoming chronic and generating incapacity, as well as impairing preventive actions, of both the company itself and the State, by concealment of risks and damages. Demands of this nature are frequent, evidencing that the violence against people with work-related illnesses and the concealment of such illnesses constitute an important social problem, with a dramatic impacts on the lives of workers and the public health system.

Palavras-chave : Violence at work; Work-related diseases; Occupational health.

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