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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148versão On-line ISSN 2175-3644


CAVALCANTE, Lília Iêda Chaves; MAGALHAES, Celina Maria Colino  e  PONTES, Fernando Augusto Ramos. Abrigo para crianças de 0 a 6 anos: um olhar sobre as diferentes concepções e suas interfaces. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2007, vol.7, n.2, pp.329-352. ISSN 1518-6148.

This article systematizes the conceptions in literature that have been guiding the discussion on what are and how operate shelters for children in the age from zero to six years old. In this way, it presents and discusses conceptions that define shelter as: 1) an instrument of social politics for childhood protection; 2) an institution for sheltering children; 3) a collective environment for care; and 4) an ecological context for human development. The paradoxical tone that marks the relationship between protection and risk in many studies about quality of physical and social environment in shelters is discussed in function of the complex nature of that kind of infantile care and the implications of their contextual characteristics for institutionalized child development.

Palavras-chave : childhood; institutionalized child; shelter for children; infantile development; child care.

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