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Revista Psicologia Política

versão On-line ISSN 2175-1390


GROFF, Apoliana; MAHEIRIE, Kátia  e  PRIM, Lorena. The experience of collectivization in a MST (Landless People’s Movement) land reform settlement. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2009, vol.9, n.17, pp.113-128. ISSN 2175-1390.

This article was developed from a research aimed at understanding the individual and collective senses and meanings in a MST (landless people’s movement) land reform settlement. The article discusses issues dealt in the research, such as the experience of collectivization in a MST land reform settlement, the struggle for land as a way of overcoming the process of social exclusion and perverse inclusion and the ethical and political suffering. To conduct the survey, a five-day immersion was taken in the settlement, where the settlers’ daily life was experienced. For information collection, interviews were recorded and non systematic observations were registered in a field diary. The process of examining information was made through content analysis. The research showed that the collectivization experienced by the subjects has increased their ability to cope with subjective, material and ethical dimensions in the dialectical process of social exclusion / inclusion. Also, they have overcome the ethical and political suffering, through relations of cooperation and solidarity in the singular / collective constructions, allowing space for (re)creation in the ethical and political view.

Palavras-chave : Settlement; MST; Collectivization; Dialectic exclusion / inclusion; Ethical and political suffering.

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