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Revista Psicologia Política

versão On-line ISSN 2175-1390


FERREIRA, Marcelo Santana. Literary writing, colonial memories and subjectivity. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2021, vol.21, n.52, pp.659-671. ISSN 2175-1390.

Based on the book Caderno de memórias coloniais by contemporary writer Isabela Figueiredo, which deals with the colonization and decolonization of Mozambique, this article seeks to defend a political conception of memory that extends from the gesture of authorship towards the composition of communities of listeners and readers aware of the risks of erasing the past. Focusing analytically on parts of the book, the article is a contribution to the work of political elaboration of the past, specifically in the case of the interpretation of a colonial society. It is considered that the analysis - established from a dialogue between Psychology and contemporary literature - can contribute to the reflection on memory as an exercise that goes beyond the borders of a personal experience towards the political understanding of historical time.

Palavras-chave : Memory; Collective memory; Literature; Psychology; Social Psychology.

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