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Psicologia para América Latina

versão On-line ISSN 1870-350X


BECERRA, Héctor. La ética de Van Gogh: una apertura al otro. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2008, n.14. ISSN 1870-350X.

In 1888 Vincent Van Gogh decides to go to the south of France. He has the intention to find a climate and a landscape , that favores his creativity . He also wants to create an artist´s community . He was able to joint his friend Paul Gaugin and at that moment occurs one of the most rare events in its biography: “ his left ear cut”. This episode moves Van Gogh to paint two self-portraits where he happens to appear with his bandage right ear..... This essay has been written based on the perception of this detail. I wonder why in these paints the right ear is bandeged when the left ear is the one that has been hurt. Why doesn´t Vincet pain his left ear? We can argue that he has painted himself watching him in a mirror. . But this possibility implies a quantity of transformatios that Van Gogh´s subjectivity has no possibility . Taking bases in these observations we introduce ourselves in the intersection between art and madness basing our theories in certain observation ade from filosophy, literature even from physics and psychoanalysis. We understand that we are not guided by academic criteria nor eclectic. The aim of the author, from his subjectivity, is to give an answer to his enigmatic question.

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