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vol.4 número1O discurso organizador da perinatalidade na França de hoje índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1980-2005


SCHAUDER, Claude. Early prevention and tracing in childish psychiatry: does psychoanalysis have anything to bring to the present debate?. Epistemo-somática [online]. 2007, vol.4, n.1, pp.15-31. ISSN 1980-2005.

Confronted by prevention and tracing politics used by modern psychiatry all over the world and each day earlier, can psychoanalysts do anything else besides turning the scientific community and sanitary interventionists, attentive to what they are, volens noles, associated with and risk to become accessories? After reminding some arguments liable to support epistemological, ethical and political analyses of these initiatives, we’ll outline a picture believed indispensable using some hints so psychoanalysts keep on advancing, starting from the idea that, supporting a human being in his identity, his space, his time, his paternal and maternal ascendancy, since his birth, offering him imaginary mediations which withstand the human relations symbolization, or accompanying him on the path that will lead him to inscribe his relations with the others through the word, we can frequently avoid complications that generally lead up to early relation disorders, when doing a prevention work from this.

Palavras-chave : Psychoanalysis; Prevention; Tracing; Early relation disorder; DSM.

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