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vol.4 número2Biopolítica e contemporaneidade: ato médico e ato analíticoPsicanálise e hospital: se ao "a" deve o analista chegar, por onde andava ele? índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1980-2005


BAETA, Maria de Lourdes Melo. The science of the everyday life. Epistemo-somática [online]. 2007, vol.4, n.2, pp.119-126. ISSN 1980-2005.

Using a report from a Brazilian TV show called "Fantástico" about heart transplantation, the author develop her text about objects created by science -called "latusas" by Lacan -and proposed to the speakers subjects as something precious and disproved from any truth as cause. However, as a proposal of this gender falls in a discursive structure, the objects offered by science became singular due to the desire and plus jouissance of each one, so the "latusas" confirm that "the anxiety is not without object" and the unsubstantial of the formalized truth of science generates questions.

Palavras-chave : Formalized truth of science; "Aletosfera"; "Latusa"; Object a; Anxiety; Truth as cause; Science in the everyday life.

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