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vol.10 número2Associação entre a pobreza familiar e o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de crianças na educação infantilIdoso, depressão e aposentadoria: Uma revisão sistemática da literatura índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Psicologia da IMED

versão On-line ISSN 2175-5027


MARTINEZ, Lidiane Colares de Faro; MAGALHAES, Celina Maria Colino  e  PEDROSO, Janari da Silva. Healthy aging and self-efficacy of the elderly: a systematic review. Rev. Psicol. IMED [online]. 2018, vol.10, n.2, pp.103-118. ISSN 2175-5027.

Self-efficacy is a widely used concept in the discussion of healthy aging, because it can be considered a protective factor. This model was formulated by Bandura to propose a Social Cognitive Theory. The objective was to identify how self-efficacy has been discussed by aging research, what are the main findings about this construct in the elderly and the most used instruments. A systematic review of the last 10 years in the PubMed, Medline Complete and PsycInfo databases, evaluated by 3 judges, independent study-level researchers at the study. Data were systematized in the research design, measurement instruments and results of the studies. The instruments were mainly validated measures and ranged between evaluation of general self-efficacy and intellectual self-efficacy or functionality. The perception of the evaluation of self-efficacy was obtained as a predictive characteristic of well-being, quality of life and mental health. Interventions that considered self-efficacy were indicated. We conclude that the natural decline of self-efficacy as a function of the passage of time and the consequent need for further research that considers specific aspects of aging in the study of the self-efficacy of the elderly.

Palavras-chave : Self Efficacy; aged; aging.

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