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Trivium - Estudos Interdisciplinares
versão On-line ISSN 2176-4891
MIRANDA, Elisabeth da Rocha. Transsexuality and sexuation: what can psychoanalysis. Trivium [online]. 2015, vol.7, n.1, pp.52-60. ISSN 2176-4891.
In this work we discuss the position of the transsexual as opposed to the capitalist discourse and to science. In this text, we question the transsexual's position by new surgical techniques and ask: in a time before this surgical supply, were there not transsexual subjects? As Lacan said, the supply creates the demand and the outcome of these interventions, on the one hand, do not free the neurotic subject of castration, which is symbolic, and marks a structural mismatch between body and social gender, on the other hand, also does not operate the castration for a psychotic subject. Although in some instances it may function as a substitutive.
Palavras-chave : trans sexuality; capitalist discourse; science; castration.