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vol.7 número1Masoquismo: o amalgama entre eros e thanatosA adesão ao discurso musical contemporâneo: uma abordagem retórica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Trivium - Estudos Interdisciplinares

versão On-line ISSN 2176-4891


GOMES, Camilla Aragão  e  GOMES, Ana Paula Quadros. Attitudes of the media towards language: belief, ideology, and prejudice beneath the strong rejection for a didactic textbook. Trivium [online]. 2015, vol.7, n.1, pp.100-116. ISSN 2176-4891.

This article discusses the reaction of the Brazilian media towards Por uma Vida Melhor (RAMOS, 2009), a textbook distributed in 2011 by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) to the public schools, engaged in young adult education (EJA). We will deal with the manifestation and disguising of language prejudice in the discourse of a relevant publication. We will point out how the negative attitude towards the variants associated to poorly educated Brazilians is visible beneath the argumentation, in spite of the strong refusal of the author to the existence of such prejudice, a refusal sustained by ideological postures and strong inner believes. In order to treat the evaluation, the beliefs, and the prejudice in the text, we resort to sociolinguistic concepts of Weinreich, Labov & Herzog (1966).

Palavras-chave : Linguistic variation; Linguistic prejudice; Attitudes and beliefs about the mother language; Mother language teaching.

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