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vol.5 número9Constituição subjetiva do autismo e da psicose: aproximações e distanciamentosO um: que ele não acesse o zero - análise de uma neurose em a Hora da Estrela de Clarice Lispector índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise

versão On-line ISSN 2316-5197


RIBEIRO, Jeanne Marie de Leers Costa. A clínica do autismo em instituição. Analytica [online]. 2016, vol.5, n.9, pp.100-107. ISSN 2316-5197.

The issue addressed is how to make it possible for an institution to treat the uniqueness of the subject and to follow the invention of each autistic child to establish links with the other. To answer this question, we investigate the relations between autism and institution in the history of psychoanalysis and in its theory. After this, we report the experience as a participant in the team that founded the first public service in the area of mental health for the treatment of autistic and psychotic children in Brazil, the Autism and Psychotic Child Care Center (NAICAP), as well as the experience as supervisor of the work of the Therapeutic Space Atelier in Rio de Janeiro.

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