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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise

versão On-line ISSN 2316-5197


RUTHES, Fernando Roberto  e  LUSTOZA, Rosane Zétola. Passage to act and acting out: function and sense of distinction. Analytica [online]. 2018, vol.7, n.12, pp.120-132. ISSN 2316-5197.

The present article aims to present some elements about the acts in psychoanalysis, Freudian slips, acting out, passage to the act, and to discuss the possible confusion involving the concepts of acting out and passage to the act, confusion induced in part by the amplitude of the concept Freudian of agieren. Lacan advances in relation to the delimitation of the concept agieren translated as acting out and the differentiation of the concept of passage to the act. Being the acting out referenced the demonstration, a demand of the subject to the Other and the passage to the act a search of the separation of the subject, the break with the Other. This Lacanian delimitation allows us to verify the transforming character that the act has, present in the acting out, in the passage to the act and also in the Freudian slips.

Palavras-chave : Agieren; Agieren; Acting Out; Kakon; Passage to the Act.

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