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vol.51 número2Entre carência orgânica e desamparo: uma leitura do "Projeto de uma psicologia" (1895)Sobre a teoria da nominação em J. Lacan: do ato à invenção índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Tempo psicanalitico

versão impressa ISSN 0101-4838versão On-line ISSN 2316-6576


ROCHA, Inês Maria Seabra de Abreu  e  ROSA, Márcia. The time and the object in psychoanalysis. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2019, vol.51, n.2, pp.84-102. ISSN 0101-4838.

In this article, we discuss the notion of time from the construction of the object in psychoanalysis. We go through the texts of the Freudian literature, where we find an attempt to temporalize the psychoanalytic experience, bringing the notion of a posteriori in which Freud inscribes experience with time in psychoanalysis. In Lacan's reading, time will be modified in three logical moments and the inaugural time of entry into language, the first condition for psychoanalysis, stands out. In this article, research on the object will be the guiding vector of our journey over time in a psychoanalysis. In the Freudian elaboration, the unconscious is timeless and the satisfaction sought by the drive will not cease even with the difficulties encountered in reality. The object will be the way of the satisfaction of the subject and the anchoring point of his desire. It will be at stake the constitution of the subject from narcissism, where a first time is inscribed in the investment of the libido in the body itself, taken as an object, in the image itself, a foundational alienation that precedes the entry of the subject into language. Freud tells us about the subject's encounter with the object; Lacan, on the other hand, shows us a course where the object must first be constructed. It names object a, a logical construction that says of the hole, of the encounter with the lack of the object. Object a is defined as a non-nameable object, a present-absent object, a cause object of desire. A relation of the subject to the lack of the object delineates and is inscribed during the course of a psychoanalysis.

Palavras-chave : unconscious; object; psychoanalysis; subject; time.

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