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vol.54 número1A agressividade na etapa inicial da teoria freudianaDo ato médico ao ato analítico: considerações sobre o psicanalista no hospital índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Tempo psicanalitico

versão impressa ISSN 0101-4838versão On-line ISSN 2316-6576


FILLA, Munique Gaio. The Ego's synthetic function and its impasses on freudian theory. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2022, vol.54, n.1, pp.255-287. ISSN 0101-4838.

This article aims to address the synthetic function of the Ego and the impasses inherent to its full realization, considering the ambiguity that such an instance carries in Freud's writings. Firstly, the idea that psychoneuroses result from a case of irreconcilability between sexual representations and the Ego will be resumed, in order to explain the problems resulting from the fact that certain psychic contents do not harmonize with the latter. Second, the concept of narcissism will be recovered, since in this context Freud conceives the Ego as a unit that needs to be constituted. Finally, in the main part of this essay the synthetic function that Freud attributes to the Ego in the context of the second psychic topography and the second drive dualism will be approached. At the same time that the stamp of the Ego is its tendency to synthesis, it constantly fails and leads to pathology. This is related to the fact that this instance operates not only in favor of life drives and binding activities, but also of death drives and his search for unbinding, which, in its turn, affects the direction of freudian's conception of the clinic.

Palavras-chave : Ego; synthesis; Freud; death drives; life drives.

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