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vol.25 número78Desenvolvimento de habilidades atencionais em estudantes da 1ª à 4ª sério do ensino fundamental e relação com rendimento escolarDesempenho neuropsicológico e fonoaudiológico de crianças com dislexia do desenvolvimento índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


PACHECO, João Alves  e  CASTANHO, Marisa Irene. The construction of knowledge in the organizational environment. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2008, vol.25, n.78, pp.212-225. ISSN 0103-8486.

This paper aims to identify and analyze the formal and informal processes of creation and transmission of knowledge in the organizational environment. As an answer to this challenge that currently demand organizations, was made an investigation to respond how the knowledge is created and shared and whether that process could be understood in a psychopedagogical perspective. The theoretical reference of genetic epistemology of Jean Piaget gave support to the definition of knowledge in the conjunction between the subject action and his self reflection, inserted in the context of social interaction. The reality was understood through dialectic vision own of complex paradigm and it was chosen as the optimal approach to provide a concept of organization in line with the Piaget definition of knowledge. The ideas from both perspectives were confirmed as complementary in the analysis made in this work. The empirical study was conducted through a case study of multiple in three companies from different segments of services, allowing the diversity of cases examined. The results helped confirm that, in many of the processes of creation and transmission of knowledge in an organization, more important than the content, are the ways in which they are operated. The identification, characterization and analysis of the processes at work in these companies, under a complex and constructivist point of view, can help to check the recurrence of stages of development on organizational scale, which brings significant clues for psychopedagogical actions in organizations.

Palavras-chave : Knowledge; Psychopedagogy.

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