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vol.27 número82Dislexia e processamento sintáticoAlunos com dificuldades na escrita: produção de sentidos subjetivos na oficina de palavras índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


NUNES, Oldemar  e  OLIVEIRA, Vera Barros de. The university student short-term memory and the practice of games: a comparative study. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2010, vol.27, n.82, pp.59-67. ISSN 0103-8486.

OBJECTIVE: This study initially evaluates the short-term memory of University students, then the frequency with which games are practiced is verified, and finally the level of short-term memory observed is related to the playing of games. METHODS: We utilize the Pictorial Test of Memory (TEPIC-M), from Rueda and Sisto, duly validated for our reality, and the self-evaluative scale of the practice of movement, being JM for reasoning, JR for digital, JD for games. The research is performed with 100 students of both genders. RESULTS: The short-term memory levels found were very low, 91% lower average. The practice of playing games in their various modalities was also very low, with no practice at all in 74% in JM, 61% in JR and 70% in JD. The comparison between the results in the TEPIC-M and the frequency of participation in JM, JR or JD, proved to be positive, since those who do not practice games, did not reach even the average level of memory. These data confirm previous studies that prove the importance of play for mental processing. It was also possible to identify writing difficulties in fulfilling the response sheets of TEPIC-M. On the other hand, we observed a strong motivation and willingness of the students to participate in the research, which suggests that proposals of more dynamic and interactive teaching, especially with the inclusion of games, will help contributing to the MCP and, consequently, to improve their learning and mental process as a whole.

Palavras-chave : Short-term memory; Play and playthings; Learning.

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