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vol.29 número90A produção subjetiva da violência nas escolas: indicador de sentido para avaliação e desenvolvimento de política educacionalDinâmicas, jogos e vivências: ferramentas úteis na (re)construção psicopedagógica do ambiente educacional índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


FONSECA, Maria Fernanda Batista Coelho da; MUSZKAT, Mauro  e  RIZUTTI, Sueli. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder at school: mediation psychopedagogical. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2012, vol.29, n.90, pp.330-339. ISSN 0103-8486.

The study presents a case of psycho-pedagogical mediation to the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder diagnoses, treatment, and school/family/child guidance. The child was referred by the psycho-pedagogue to the interdisciplinary evaluation of the psycho-pedagogical, neuropsychological, neuropediatrician, psychiatric and familiar aspects. The school and mother's complain was that the child was aggressive, objector, declining to do the activities, troublemaker at home and at school, disorganized, careless with his/her personal belongs, difficulty in keeping friends and not interested in classes. The child was treated with methylphenidate, with a prompt impulsivity and neglect improvement. Neuropsychological and psychiatric tests have been applied, behavior scales, before and after the drug treatment. After the treatment and the interventions, a great behavior improvement was verified, as in the learning process and in the social relations. The tests results were for better, concerning to the learning process, it was possible to realize a phonologic difficulty, which was not identified previously due to the refusal. During the scholar guidance, the psycho-pedagogue noted that the child was taking tutoring classes at school, with a content related to the current subject, and so it was advised that the literacy ability should be worked with a focus on the phonologic aspects due to the difficulties showed in the writing and reading skills. The Health-Education relation brought out important prospects and interventions in the scholar life, showing that it is possible to change the behavior and the quality of learning in children with ADHD.

Palavras-chave : Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity; Attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders; Schools.

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