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vol.31 número96Transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade: um recorte da produção científica recente índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


NOFFS, Neide de Aquino; FERREIRA, Maria Matta; GODINHO, Maria Eloisa  e  VIEIRA, Juliana G. da Silva. Proposed action psychopedagogic in municipal board of education Cajamar. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2014, vol.31, n.96, pp.298-310. ISSN 0103-8486.

This paper presents the proposed constitution of the psychoeducational performance segment of early childhood education, elementary school and elementary school II Schools Network Municipal School, located in Cajamar - São Paulo. The plan psychoeducational institutional performance, developed by the group of educational psychologists and objective external advisor systematize from 2008 actions presented in the action plan for the network. At first they asked themselves-what are the responsibilities of the educational psychologist to work in the Municipal Education Institution and School segments. To do so, constituted the proposal, using a theoretical framework for psychoeducation, supported mainly by the assumptions: Chabanne, Nadia Bossa, Alicia Fernandes, Neide Noffs and other authors in the field of educational psychology that reference preventivo- imprint institutional as well as the authors: Piaget, Vygotsky, Wallon, John Dewey, Zabala, Gerard Peçanha, Paulo Freire, Jose M. Beltran, Mabel Condemarin among others. These studies contributed to the understanding of the knowledge construction process of students. Thus, it was realized that the proposed action of psycho pedagogical proposal for the network, which comprises the actions relate primarily to the continuing education of teachers, ie, attempts to develop a work under preventive psychoeducational perspective. This proposal is described in items of discussion about the responsibilities of the educational psychologist, taking into account the history, cultural aspects and the specific needs of the area. It is understood that the work of educational psychologist school requires constant thinking about what your doing, which demand frequent dialogues with the school community. The psychoeducational performance search to find alternative actions that enable this professional and teachers of Municipal Network Cajamar, a constant reflection on teaching practice, so that they are likely ways to get to the proposed objective: to promote the development and student learning.

Palavras-chave : Institutional Psychoeducation; Learning; Child rearing; Education; primary and secondary.

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