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versão impressa ISSN 0104-6578


SANTOS, Sueli Sousa dos  e  CARLOS, Sergio Antonio. Clinic notes on the value of reminiscences in the aging process. Barbaroi [online]. 2011, n.35, pp.128-140. ISSN 0104-6578.

The expressions of interest and sexual practices in the old age, which, until some years ago, were tolerate with a certain strangeness, have become a determinant element in the emotional and physical health of aging people. The Psycho-sexuality that makes the human being different from other species is not only working for procreation and preservation of the species, since it has as a propulsive factor the desire's realization and the seek for pleasure. The work in the psychoanalytic clinic shows the importance of the reminiscences of sexual life in the aging process. This paper is part of a research about the effects reminiscences in the elderly clinic. We present a clinical studying where the emotional effects produced on an 89 years old woman are clear as the reminiscences of her past life break some of the repression barriers, triggering anxiety crises. Based on psychoanaly therapy, it is conclued the work with elders' reminiscences can produce an historical reconstitution considering that in the elder people the reminiscences serve both to reconstruct the history and to validate the lived experiences breaking the suffering of past guilts.

Palavras-chave : Reminiscences; Aging; Sexuality; Repression.

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