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SEOANE, Javier Benito. Classic social theory and postpositivism. Barbaroi [online]. 2011, n.35, pp.141-178. ISSN 0104-6578.

The last decades have witnessed a rich debate in the field of social sciences on the centrality of the classical cannon of sociological theory. Many pages have been written on its relevancy for a globalizing, post-illustrated society. Nevertheless, few studies approach this current relevancy of the sociological "classics" from the perspectives of their conceptions of science, practical consequences, and relation with postpositivism today. This essay presents a comparison of the three "classics" (Marx, Durkheim and Weber) in relation to their current relevancy. First, seven these will be presented in order to approach the concept of postpositivist science; followed by three different sections outlining the conception of social sciences for each author, and their importance for the postpositivist conception; finally a concluding section comparing all three conception.

Palavras-chave : Social Theory; Postpositivism; Marx; Durkheim; Weber.

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