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vol.20 número107Depresión en niños y niñas con cáncerLa comprensión infantil de ciencia, arte, religión y deporte como instituciones sociales índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Actualidades en psicología

versão On-line ISSN 0258-6444


CASTRO, Vanessa Smith. Social Psychology of intergroup relations: models and hypotheses. Actual. psicol. [online]. 2006, vol.20, n.107, pp.45-71. ISSN 0258-6444.

The social psychology of intergroup relations deals with those psychological processes underlying phenomena such as stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Research on this field has produced a wide range of explicative models. Some of them focus on motivational processes, while others exclusively deal with cognitive mechanisms. Some theories make special emphasis on intra-individual variables, while others highlight the role of contextual factors in the emergence of intergroup hostility. Currently, research combines cognitive-motivational explanations, and different levels of analysis. Yet, this literature shows a) a lack of general theories able to integrate the large amount of empirical research amassed up till now, and b) a lack of research carried out in (and from) Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Palavras-chave : Stereotypes; Prejudice; Discrimination; Intergroup relations; Social psychology.

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