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Psicologia da Educação

versão On-line ISSN 2175-3520


SOUZA FILHO, Edson A. de. Influência social entre professores e estudantes de ensino médio. Psicol. educ. [online]. 2012, n.35, pp.120-143. ISSN 2175-3520.

We described how teachers and students of public secondary school attempt to have mutual influence. They answered a questionnaire about reciprocal actions which could be considered harmful; how they react to these actions; the other's expectancies and projects; the role of education in their lives. Moreover, the students reported behaviour of themselves that they interpreted differently of teachers. The results showed that teachers do not recognize the students ´normative proposals / ideological, related to individual treatment of the school situation and a professional attitude of the teacher. In turn, teachers mentioned more often t the search for the student's discipline. The pattern of teachers´ influence was more based on institutional power, whereas to the students was based on minority rhetoric. Some conditions for minority influence in the school´s environment were discussed, including the legitimacy to lead and negotiate conflicts and freedom of choice.

Palavras-chave : influence; youth and adult education; social norms; ideology.

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