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vol.35 número89Psicologia Organizacional: Educação Corporativa no contexto da gestão públicaErro médico No Brasil: cenário de antinomias índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1415-711X


TOLEDO, Renata Runavicius  e  ASSUMPCAO JR., Francisco Baptista. Early distress in babies and mood of pregnant adolescents. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2015, vol.35, n.89, pp.478-507. ISSN 1415-711X.

Pregnancy is a transition period which is natural to the process of human development.The presence of depression can lead to consequences in the development of the child. The objective of this paper is to verify if children from depressed mothers present differences in Apgar scores, weight, height and signs of distress when compared to children whose mothers did not suffer from depression. In order to do so, forty mother-baby dyads are evaluated using the following tests: "Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression". "Apgar scores" and "The Baby Alarm Distress Scale". The results from both groups (depressed mothers and non-depressed mothers) are compared statistically. All the mothers are subjected to the tests listed above in a standardized manner. There are no differences observed in the Apgar scores, weight or height, however a tendency is observed in the difference between children from depressed mothers and nondepressed mothers when analyzed for signs of distress.It is concluded that children from depressed mothers do not present changes in most of the evaluated categories for the first six months, observing that there is a tendency for children to present signs of distress more frequently, data which justifies the evaluation of a bigger sample of patients

Palavras-chave : Prenatal depression; Early distress in babies; Infant development.

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