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Revista da SBPH

versão impressa ISSN 1516-0858


FREIRE, Aryadnne Alexya dos Reis Bomfim  e  DIAS, Tatiane Lebre. Evaluation of psychosocial indicators in hospitalized elderly people. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2021, vol.24, n.1, pp.51-63. ISSN 1516-0858.

In old age, the chances of adverse events increase, which can be a source of stress and generate or aggravate states of anxiety and depression. Psychosocial indicators, self-perception and perception of the hospitalization process of 10 elderly people admitted to a University Hospital in Cuiabá-MT were investigated. The instruments used were: Socio-demographic questionnaire and perception of hospitalization, Perceived Stress Scale, Geriatric Anxiety Inventory, Geriatric Depression Scale and Senior Apperception Technique. Results Revealed: perception of stress for "thoughts about things you should do" (n=6), "I would not be able to deal with all the things I have to do" (n=5), most (n=9) had an indication of anxiety, half (n=5) indicated levels of depression, half (n=5) indicated levels of anxiety and depression, insufficient elements to characterize attitudes and perception related to aging, feelings of well-being(n=8) and thoughts related to improvement physical (n=6) in relation to the hospitalization process. In general, it can be considered that indicators of anxiety and depression do not seem to influence the perception of the hospitalization process. There is a need for studies that address other variables related to stress, anxiety and depression in the context of hospitalization from different assessment resources

Palavras-chave : aging; hospitalization; psychosocial development.

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