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vol.12 número2Concepções de funcionários de Utin sobre competências desenvolvimentais de recém-nascidosGênero, sexualidade e práticas de prevenção das DST/Aids: produções discursivas de profissionais da saúde da família e de adolescentes do Vale do São Francisco índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia: teoria e prática

versão impressa ISSN 1516-3687


TURRINI, Flávia Almeida; ENUMO, Sônia Regina Fiorim; FERRAO, Erika da Silva  e  MONTEIRO, Rojane Neves. Affective-motivational behaviors during dynamic testing different preschool children born preterm and low wight, and children born a term. Psicol. teor. prat. [online]. 2010, vol.12, n.2, pp.158-172. ISSN 1516-3687.

Children born preterm and with low weight (PT-LW) may submit behavioral difficulties, prejudicial to their affective-social and academic development. This study was compared the affective-motivational behaviors of 15 children PT-LW (G1) and 15 born full term (FT) (G2) at 5 years of age, during a cognitive dynamic testing (CATM). It was applied the "Assessment Checklist for the Children's Affective-Motivational Behavior" (Acami) to the sessions record on video. There were significantly differences in facilitator behaviors children: (a) with profile Winner at Emotional State, Task Engagement, Initiatives for Interaction, and Total categories; (b) G2, at CATM phases of Assistance and Maintenance. The G1 showed more non-facilitator behaviors in all CATM phases, especially at Task Engagement and Emotional States. The Acami categories were sensitive to detect differences between groups. The results corroborate literature that points to the relationship between affective-motivational factors and cognitive performance and prematurity and low weight birth as a risk factor for behavioral problems.

Palavras-chave : Affective aspects; Cognition; Premature; Low birth weight; Preschool.

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