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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148versão On-line ISSN 2175-3644


SANTOS, Tania Coelho dos  e  FREITAS, Rachel Gomes Amin. A escuta analítica no espaço público. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2005, vol.5, n.2, pp.246-260. ISSN 1518-6148.

We start by comparing the psychoanalytic experience as a private practice, and as an institutional practice. Than we considere the differences between the way a father, makes the link betwen public and private langage in two different cases. They are both teenagers that relate a homossexual symptom. They belong to very differents social contexts, and we try to describe the link betwen their public and private langage, as differents collectives experiences.

Palavras-chave : father fonction; homossexuality in teen agers; public and private language; private and institucional practice.

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