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vol.11 número2Toxicomania e suicídio sob uma visão psicanalíticaEntrevistas preliminares em psicoterapia de família: construção da demanda compartilhada índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148


DEMES, Jacqueline Reis; CHATELARD, Daniela Scheinkman  e  CELES, Luiz Augusto M.. The feminine as a subject metaphor in psychoanalysis. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.2, pp.645-667. ISSN 1518-6148.

Much is said about the woman since the gaps left by Freud. The literature about this subject is vast, as well as the profiles and versions assumed by the feminine. The concept was introduced in psychoanalysis since the beginning of hysteria studies and the search for an answer about how to become a woman won a central role in psychoanalytic theory and its practice. Something seems to insist in the classical question "What does a woman wants?", be it because of the impasses pointed by Freud about the subject, or others that were presented in the development of post-Freudians investigations, and only a glimpse seems to appear in theoretical works developed so far. However, since the Freud's "dark continent" to Lacan's "not-all" logic, an inability to know (or say) about the feminine follows the conceptual interweave of psychoanalysis. What are the meanings of feminine in psychoanalysis? What are the relationships between this notion and to be a woman? The aim of this work is to discuss some concepts that outline and compose the feminine enigma. It is a cutout that introduces the feminine sometimes as a qualifier of being a woman, sometimes as a new concept in which the notions of otherness and limits establish it. Thus, a displacement has occurred in the sense of the word in question throughout its course in psychoanalysis. Today, it has another semantic load. In these ways, the woman figure multiplies. It moves from a phallic logic to the logic of the Other, it can be one or many, like one of those Russian dolls, the babushka.

Palavras-chave : Hysteria; woman; enigma; feminine; psychoanalysis.

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